Featured Assets
Newton Omniplex
Surrey, BC
Newton Omniplex is a six-building complex totalling 229,900 square feet located in Surrey, BC. The compiles was acquired in 2021 as part of a larger portfolio with the strategy of unlocking value by bringing rents to market. Since acquired, the operational efficiency and functionality of the complex has been improved including converting the LED lighting, and installing enhanced building signage, exterior upgrades, and loading dock upgrades.
Progressive Way
Abbotsford, BC
Progressive Way is a three building comples totalling 104,892 square feet and is lovated in Abbotsford BC.The property was acquired in 2023 as part of a larger portfolio acquisition with the strategy of bringing existing rents to market and optimizing operating expenses at the property.
Vaughan Industrial Portfolio
Vaughan, ON
The Vaughan Industrial Portfolio in the Greater Toronto Area is comprised of 13 industrial buildings totalling 710,389 square feet that are a mix of multi-tenant and small-bay industrial buildings. The portfolio was acquired in 2022 with the strategy of driving exisiting rents to market and to investigate opportunities to create value through owner-user and industrial condominium sales.
400 Rue Marie Curie
Vaudreuil, QC
400 Rue Marie Curie is a 161,115 square feet industrial building acquired in 2022. The property is located in Vaudreuil, Quebec and was purchased as part of a two-property portfolio. The property is fully leased to NU-B inc. until December 31, 2025.
700 Jamieson Parkway
Cambridge, ON
700 Jamieson Parkway is a 111,242 square feet industrial building acquired in 2022. The property is located in Cambride, Ontario and was purchased as part of a three-property portfolio. The property is fully leased to Allianz Global Assistance until April 24, 2034.
Abbotsford Industrial Portfolio
Abbotford, BC
The Abbotsford Industrial portfolio is comprised of three industrial buildings totalling 175,363 square feet. The properties are located in Abbotsfrod, British Columbia and were purchased in 2022.